Thursday Thirteen #22

Dear Me,

Here's the drill on Thursdays. Since it is chow time, I'm featuring food for my
T13. =)

graphic courtesy of Chaotic Home

Thirteen Dishes/Food
I Am Planning To Prepare On My Own

(Some of the dishes posted are homegrown Pinoy)

  1. Cheezy Macaroni

  2. Tropical Blast

  3. Italian Sausage Toppings

  4. Chicken Gata

  5. Pork Chop Steak

  6. Pinakbet

  7. Corned Beef Spaghetti

  8. Lechon Kawali

  9. Humba

  10. Lasagna

  11. Pork Afritada

  12. Adobong Pusit

  13. Spanish Omelet

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Morgan st. John
2. Christine
3. Bloggers
4. Nicholas
5. Damozel

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. corned beef?
    and spagetti?
    I might have to try that as I'm an Irish Lass married to an italian...

    Hello from across the world.

  2. Aww, now I'm hungry lol.

    Happy TT!

  3. Lechon! Deliciosa!

  4. Some of those sound so delicious and I don't even know what they are....!

    If you're interested, my colleague, Cockney Rob, has done a post on 13 WAYS YOU (yes, you) CAN BRING EVEN MORE VALUE THAN YOU ALREADY DO TO T13

  5. Ivan! I didn't know you were pregnant, until I got your postcard this week. How come I didn't know? I tend to be the last one to find out about things. So I'm sorry about that, and congratulations!

    You say you are due by October. And it's October, so, keep us posted. =)

  6. I bet all of them are delicious :)

  7. uy! interesting site :) I'm glad that you included links to the recipes, this saved me some time.

    btw, found the link to your blog from the pinoybloggers group.


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