Dear Me,

I'm posting this in prior so anybody who wants to join can have an early start! :)

She Says, He Says

The idea is that any of these: a question, fill in the blank, multiple choices, photo or a writing prompt will be posted here. Express your thoughts in your blog and feel free to leave a link to your blog with your answers when you're done. Anyone can hop in and join the fun every Tuesday! =)

Do grab the button and host it up in your own photo hosting site. :)

What do you want to see happen in your life at sixty?

Given the chance that I reach that age (*crosses my fingers*), I would be more than pleased to see my kid or kids and my grandchildren plus the entire family living in a sea of love and comfort and heavenly bliss. :)

So, what do you wish for when you're already sixty years old?

Hope you can share your answers in your blog and leave your links here. See yah! :)


  1. Sorry sis, off topic. Oks lang ba I tagged you? This tag will help for our technorati kase viral tag. click mo nalang dito. Thank you ha.

  2. I have my answers here:

    BTW, also got you tagged here:


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