BTT: What's Sitting On Your Shelf?

Dear Me,

I've been seeing browsing
Booking Through Thursday for quite a long time. I've been wanting to participate but just don't have much time to do so. I thought of giving it a shot this time.

What is Booking Through Thursday?

~ It's a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading.

This week's edition: What's Sitting On Your Shelf?

Okay–here was an interesting article by Christopher Schoppa in the Washington Post.

Avid readers know all too well how easy it is to acquire books — it's the letting go that's the difficult part... During the past 20 years, in which books have played a significant role in both my personal and professional lives, I've certainly had my fair share of them (and some might say several others' shares) in my library. Many were read and saved for posterity, others eventually, but still reluctantly, sent back out into the world.

But there is also a category of titles that I've clung to for years, as they survived numerous purges, frequent library donations and countless changes of residence. I've yet to read them, but am absolutely certain I will. And should. When, I'm not sure, as I'm constantly distracted by the recent, just published and soon to be published works.

So, the question is this: "What tomes are waiting patiently on your shelves?"

For book lovers (and even those who are not), I think it is quite normal to find a number of books that's been sitting for ages in our book shelves.

In my case, the pile of books in my I-don't-know-when-TBR-pile are the following:

Book #1 was given to me as a gift by my hubby when we were still in the courtship stage. I read a few pages but the words simply didn't motivated me to finish it. I am keeping the book for I think it is a good read and of course, he gave it to me. Hehehe.

Book #2 was a book I sneaked out from my mother's collection. I knew it was a good book but I just didn't have the heart to read it at that time.

Book #3 was part of my Ludlum collection but when I attempted to sit down and read it, there were books around that excited me more than reading this one.

Book #4 was a high school book requirement. It was kinda funny because I've begun to appreciate Russian novels and yet I never came to finish reading this book.

Book #5 was another requirement from high school. I didn't read all the pages but I got a high grade for my term paper. I would like to read it again but there were more than enough books that contend my attention.

What about you? Are there books that have been gathering dust in your bookshelf?

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to your first Booking Through Thursday.

    Out of the ones you mentioned, I've read three of the five, and maybe the Ludlum too, since I read so many of them as a teenager. I read Le Carre too but not that one. I wasn't thrilled with the Life of Pi, but out of the three I read, it's probably the easiest to handle-- and most people seem to like it.


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