Aloha Friday #2

Dear Me,

It's Aloha Friday over at An Island Life. Hosted by Kailani from Hawaii,

Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too.

I'll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you'd like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don't forget to visit the other participants! It's a great way to make new bloggy friends!

We only have seven days a week to do the things we need to do. But if we are granted one more day, what would you do? The condition: that extra day will be solely and exclusively for yourself only.

Given that, plus all conflicting factors considered, I would definitely be in a zen-like place trying yoga and tai-chi; or I can also be engaging myself in an adrenaline-rush situation like having a mega zipline adventure or whitewater rafting experience. It would be such an intoxicating and well-spent day!


  1. An extra day, just for me? I'd probably curl up in a corner and read a book with a nice glass of wine! ;)

    Aloha: Collections

  2. My day would be filled with getting writing done, reading, knitting and anything else that I often struggle to get finished during the "work" week.

  3. sleep! lol, i would love to catch up on sleep, or read!
    My ALOHA for you

  4. I'd figure out how to get more work done. D'OH!

    Have a great Friday!

  5. I'd read! I love reading but don't get to sit and get involved like I used to. So I'd gobble all day and eat and gobble books some more until I fall asleep.

  6. I could say I would finish what I did not get done but the truth is if it was a day just for me I would rest and catch up on reading

  7. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Bathe, read, plant in the garden.

  8. Spend the day at the beach, walking and reading.

    Here's my Aloha Friday

  9. I would spend the day at the beach!!!Aloha

  10. This is gonna be a lame answer, but I would take a nap.

  11. Oh wow, an extra day? I would make it a delicious one - pamper myself with spa, massage and great food.

  12. Oh man, can I join you on YOUR day!? LOL

    I think my day would have to depend on what mood I'm in at the time-Lately I've been in a shopping mood, so maybe I'd shop till I dropped. LOL

    Maybe I'll be in a relaxing mood-Then it'd be off to the spa I go!

    Wouldn't THAT be the life?!

    Happy Friday!

  13. Relax and play games and craft with my little one :)


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