Tell My Type

I am taking a series of quizzes this time from the posted link above. It is just a click away. It offers different types of personality tests.


Overworked Olivia

(Too Many Responsibilities - Too Little Time)

"A Little Hard Work Never Killed Anybody"

The 'Overworked Oliver/Olivia' is a very responsible person with a high capacity to work hard. More often than not they are strongly contributing to providing for a family (either financially or via the work of parenting), and have a kind of practical 'do what needs to be done' approach to life. (They are a little more frequently male than female).

Unfortunately, the demands of their lives (particularly at work) have often crept up on them to the point of being overwhelming. This leaves them feeling generally 'stressed out', but also somewhat bored and lonely, very much wanting something more than 'the daily grind'. Some (but not all) are prone to turn to sweets and alcohol for relief.

There are several stress-relieving alternatives which are effective for Overworked Olivers/Olivias. All of them involve first recognizing the mentality the responsibilities of the 'daily grind' tends to produce. Because of a sense of duty and responsibility, Overworked Olivers/Olivias usually think that their responsibilities must always come before their personal needs for stress relief. In the extreme, this turns out to be irrational thinking because, without allowing time for relief of stress, their work suffers and it actually takes them MORE time to complete their daily responsibilities. A vicious cycle is then set up because, feeling shorter on time, they continue to place more and more priority on their work, running themselves down, which makes their work less efficient, which makes them shorter on time, etc.

Most important then is recognizing that taking the time for the constructive relief of stress IS the responsible thing to do. The Overworked Oliver/Olivia needs to know that caring for themselves is necessary in order to truly care for the others in their lives.

Not surprisingly, statistically, Overworked Olivers/Olivias do best when they make the time to get a good night's sleep (#1 stress reliever), but also benefit from studying time management techniques. Within the time management technique arena, learning strategies for setting priorities (that include some additional self care), and learning to resolve certain problems immediately (so they don't build) are most effective for the Overworked Oliver/Olivia.

Secondarily, some Overworked Olivers/Olivias find it helpful to make an effort to become more 'psychologically minded'. This entails doing a little reading of the self-help literature (particularly the time management literature), but also relying a little more on discussing daily stress with someone who cares.

Financial concerns are also often a source of stress for the Overworked Oliver/Olivia, and are usually a part of what is driving them to work so hard. Financial planning sometimes serves to reduce this stress (see money personality section).

Finally, the shortage of time (or the physical stresses of work) in the Overworked Oliver/Olivia's life has often prevented them from integrating an exercise routine. Making the time for exercise often strongly decreases the perceived stress level. It can clear the mind and make it more effective at work. (See your doctor for an evaluation prior to beginning an exercise program please).


The Feeler is usually a sensitive, compassionate woman who finds a great deal of joy (and relief) in sharing problems with friends and loved ones (often on the telephone). While this is a wonderful outlet for the The Feeler, the desire to verbalize and socialize is a constant pull which, at times interferes with her ability to attend to her personal goals.

Thankfully, The Feelers respond well to time management interventions. By simply taking the time each week to breakdown and prioritize tasks, plan their execution in order of priority, and to review how time was actually spent during the preceding week the Responsible Extravert often suddenly finds a few extra hours in their week and is able to make the time for a few WOULD LIKE TOs (at least more so than without doing this time planning).

As with all types of procrastination, writing down the specific goal as well as the smaller milestones to be reached on the way to that goal is the first step in resolving the procrastination and accomplishing the goal. This is particular important for the The Feeler because it reinforces the desire to achieve these goals.

Beyond this, it is useful for the The Feeler to put aside some planned time to work on her personal goals, and to surround this time on both sides with a stress reducing activity (other than social contact). This begins to make personal goal work and organization a pleasant experience to which, with practice, the The Feeler will look forward.


Whereas the Hopeless Romantic relentlessly pursues the experience of being one with their partner, the Romantic Realist is more likely to move in and out of this experience. Although the Romantic Realist ALSO enjoys the sense of romantic merging, they spend perhaps more energy emphasizing their own individuality and that of their partner. Similarly, (s)he will not absolutely always put her loved one's needs completely before her own, though quite frequently this is the case. The Romantic Realist might more accurately be described as a 'tempered' romantic.

In contrast to the Hopeless Romantic, the Romantic Realist feels true love often without sharing all of their thoughts with their loved one, despite sometimes feeling uncomfortable staring in their partners eyes, and despite not necessarily feeling weak at the knees when kissing. The Romantic Realist isn't necessarily willing to act silly to entertain their lover, and a few may not completely merge their finances after marriage.

Although the Romantic Realist believes it is possible to find an undying romance and strongly desires this in their life, they also believe that true love does not necessarily last forever in all circumstances, and virtually none believe that divorce should be avoided at all costs.

In contrast to the Hopeless Romantic, the Romantic Realist believes it takes more time to fall in love, usually at least several months, and almost certainly not at first sight, though they acknowledge that very strong feelings often emerge in the initial contact with a potential mate.

A very small minority of Romantic Realists (as compared to ZERO Hopeless Romantics) have some reservations about the difficulties engendered by non-traditional relationships (those that cross culture or traditional gender lines).


Motto = 'Everything in Moderation'

The Food Finesser is someone who loses control with food on rare occasions, and reports far fewer classes of triggers. As a consequence, although not perfectly satisfied with their weight, Food Finessers are a good deal thinner than others.

There is some evidence that the Food Finesser's ability to regulate their intake of food is a blessing either bestowed upon them by genetics or learned early in life. Unlike ALL other diet personalities, the Food Finesser is someone who has not struggled intensely with their weight in their life. They have had to try far fewer diets, their heaviest adult weight is a lot thinner than others, they have yo-yo'd up and down across significant weight ranges far less, and are about half as less likely to have tried a New Year's Resolutions to coerce themselves into losing weight.

The Food Finesser's strength seems to be that food doesn't really occupy a central position in their life. They are closest to the truly 'Eat to Live' philosophy as opposed to 'Live to Eat'. They actually don't think about food all that much. Food Finessers are also more likely to be regular vitamin takers, and to reduce stress by exercise (particularly weightlifting). These are seen as health related tools to supplement a good life and are a matter of course that makes sense on an ongoing basis. They avoid fads in all of their approaches to healthy living.

When a Food Finesser wants dessert, they have it, but can be satisfied with just a few bites. At other times, they might have two or three servings because it fits the celebratory tone of the moment. They naturally cut back the next day without guilt or remorse. They're just not as hungry, so they eat less.

Food Finessers have a distinctive personality type. They lean more towards objectivity and logic than emotion when making important decisions. They like to think things out before they speak, and are very capable of significant accomplishments while working on their own. Their real personality strength, however, is the ability to use their intuition to temper their objectivity. It's a powerful combination which helps them to make successful and satisfying food choices.


The Freedom Seeker is usually a very extraverted, life loving, fun oriented person. Generally young (at least in spirit), well educated, and frequently single, the freedom seeker is less concerned with building a balance 'for a rainy day' than with developing funds to allow them the freedom to conduct their lives. They see money as a source of excitement, adventure, reward and sometimes luxury. It can provide opportunities for creative expression and comfort which can balance the intense efforts they exert daily. They need relief from the arduous schedules and commitments of their overwhelmingly busy everyday lives. Money buys the perks that make it all worthwhile.

The Freedom Seeker relies fairly heavily upon their intuition, often acting on a strong gut feeling about people or situations. In most life circumstances this character trait is a strength which serves them well, and it often does with money too. Many people describe them as lucky, when in fact they make good hunches based on their excellent powers of observation and empathy. However, sometimes the Freedom Seeker's intuition can lead them to spend a little too much or to choose the wrong investments. (This is particularly true when they are feeling bored or lonely). For this reason, Freedom Seekers report some financial stress and regret over some past decisions. Those who are most successful are the ones who have identified (and paid for) experts to counsel them.

Another tactic employed successfully by Freedom Seekers is to identify lower cost solutions which provide the same sense of adventure and excitement when money is tight. They love exercising their creativity. Finding creative shopping solutions works for many; e.g., switching to shopping at Daffy's allows them the pleasure of seeing great styles and colors at affordable more affordable prices. Finding alternative ways to spend time that are satisfying but less money intensive have also been reported. Drawing, painting, dancing, games, movies, outdoor activities, internet surfing, and particularly gatherings of friends are some fun and enjoyable options until they have the money to spend as they like.


The Dream for Fun is someone who believes that dreams are a fun, unusual, and exciting experience. While they do believe that dreams have meaning and relevance to their lives, they look to their dreams more like most Americans look to the movies -- as a temporary escape from their ordinary lives into a world filled with intrigue, drama, romance, humor, adventure, etc.

Dream for Funs are less apt to ask "what does this dream mean" (although they do want to know) than to say to themselves "that dream was really cool -- I will really enjoy reflecting on it and holding it in my mind for a while". They also enjoy sharing their dreams with their friends and listening to their friend's dreams as a kind of social activity.

Statements which a Dream for Fun might most agree with include "I really like it when my friends share their dreams with me and I try to get them to do so", "The stranger my dream is, the more compelled I feel to tell people about it", or "I've got to laugh at some of the things that I dream, and if you have a minute I'll tell you, you won't believe it!"

In addition to finding dreams a source of entertainment, Dream for Funs sometimes use their dreams themselves (not the sharing or interpreting of dreams) as a source of pleasure. At these times they are less interested in sharing their dreams than in actually revisiting their dreams, and in creating more and more pleasurable experiences within them.

Dream for Funs also believe that dreams can be a source of creative inspiration - providing source material for art, music, poetry, stories, or other expressive endeavors. Finally, many Dream for Funs believe that dreams can be a spiritual experience - a manner in which they can become more in tune with the meaning of their life, their feelings about God or their religious beliefs.

Most Dream for Funs enjoy keeping a dream diary and organizing their dream thoughts because this preserves the dreams beyond the limits of their short term memory, and allows them to enjoy their dreams over and over again. (It also engages them in improving their organizational abilities, which provide benefits beyond dream entertainment/pleasure).



This factor measures the degree to which dog owners are involved with their dogs. People high on this factor usually had taught their dog to do many basic obedience behaviors (sit, come, stay), had few worries about how their dog would behave around other people or dogs, and were generally interested in experiencing as deep a human-dog bond as possible. Not surprisingly, besides training their pets, people who were highly dog involved often "spoiled" them - they had them sit on their laps, regularly fed them "people food" like cheese and vegetables, stroked them with (and let them lick) their feet, regularly talked to them out loud when no one else was around, tended to take a lot of pictures (even home movies) of their dogs, and liked to teach them tricks (how to howl or sing, for example). Many highly dog involved people also said that they liked their dog better than they liked most people, and admitted that they don't always pick up their dog's poop outside when they are supposed to.


People endorsing this item said they were fonder of their pets than they were of the average person they met.

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