My ABC Today

Dear Me,

To cap my entire Monday, here is my ABC for the day.

A: AIG called me up about my pre-approved credit card. I declined by saying I wouldn't be needing it since I wasn't working at all. Maybe next year.

B: Bloghopped through my pals' blogsites.

C: Chatted with 1st-time mom Maricel about labor, baby needs, baptismal info, being a working mom via YM.

D: Deferred from contacting the bank regarding my supposedly cancelled credit card. I paid all my dues last month and had it terminated. So, why am I receiving a credit card billing statement this month? Hmm.

E: Emailed the people I sent postcards last week. Just to let me know if they received it (so I can pester the post office just in case...hehehe).

F: Folded the clean laundry after having it "sundried." It has been drizzling every afternoon and wet clothes should be dried under the sun once in a while.

G: Grapes was all I had for lunch. =)

H: Hubby Dex called me twice.

I: Impressed with pals who are planning to write their own books. Wish I can do that, too.

J: Jealous of someone regarding professional endeavors and opportunities. And I admire her perseverance.

K: Kinsella's book, The Undomestic Goddess, came thru mail late this afternoon. Thanks Kris! =) I love it.

L: Loving my new blog template! *winks*

M: Managed my financial obligations. I have to.

N: Neglected mopping the floor. Too much internet. Hehehe.

O: Outlined things that I have done for the last two (2) weeks and things I still have to do. As I mentioned before, I am a sucker for lists.

P: Payment from the apartment's tenant came through this afternoon.

Q: Quietude ruled the entire house. It was just me and my dog.

R: Realized that I should start packing my bag for the hospital. I'm due October remember? =)

S: Sinigang was what I prepared for dinner tonight. My favorite Filipino dish! I ate a lot as usual. =)

T: Thought of ways to minimize our electric usage. Summer months are over so no more excuse of having a growing electric consumption.

U: Used my imagination in coming up with an idea on how people can contact me when I'm at home.

V: Vanessa, a former colleague, told me about the latest office brouhaha through Gmail chat.

W: Worried about our escalating monthly utility payments.

X: X-out accomplished tasks in my to-do-list.

Y: Yummy was my afternoon snacks - cheesecake and Anchor's mocha-flavored milk.

Z: Zapped energy from climbing the stairs just to answer the phone in the 2nd floor.

So, what's yours? Care to share? =)


  1. maganda nga yung undomestic goddess :) ok din yung "can you keep a secret" :) di ko pa nababasa yung shopaholic series nya

  2. Siempre Sophie Kinsella yan eh. =)


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