Craving for Brownies

Dear Me,

I have previously mentioned before how I go loco over brownies from
Brownies Unlimited.

yum yum

Who wouldn't? Once you take a bite, you'll experience a different kind of sensation. Hehehe.


Am I exaggerating? Maybe. Maybe not. It's just that their brownies are way softer in the mouth than those I have tasted before. I totally forget anything I have in mind once I take a bite and feel the bursting yumminess in my mouth. :)

totally love my 1st bite!

It's not my birthday but I will be more than pleased to receive this from anyone. :)

will you be my angel? *winks*


  1. i agree! these brownies are heaven in a box! uber yummy! i can't remember who gave me the brownies tho...hehehehe but it was one of my close friends...

    entrecard dropping!

    Deranged Insanity
    Traipsey Turvey

  2. Hi, I came here through your comment at 'Welcome to my World of Dreams' blog!

    Oh my, the brownies look so delicious! I love brownies! Sometimes I make those Pillsbury brownies, they're easy to make.


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