You Meme

Dear Me,

I found this while book blog browsing. It's a meme but I love it. :)

Here goes:

  • What was your favorite pastime as a child?
    ~~ I was a loner so I was too preoccupied reading books, especially pocketbooks. :)

  • Think about one special memory about each of your siblings. What was it?
    ~~ I can remember the special ones like the rare heartfelt chats I had with each of them about family, life, relationships, advice, etc. But one thing that I love reminiscing is the fun that we had with our first grown-up vacation trip to Cebu (supposed to be a special memory about each sibling but this one is worth mentioning). I wish we can do this again.

  • What was your favorite meal?
    ~~ I miss fried rice and bacon for breakfast!

  • What were some of the most memorable books you read?
    ~~ I Hear Adventure Calling by Emilie Baker Loring
    (back when I was a 13-year old and felt my heart fluttered for the first time)

    ~~ Nights In Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks
    (love is not only for the young and that a brief brush of affection at one point may linger and grow someday).

  • Think of one particularly memorable event. What was it?
    ~~ When I had my ultrasound and saw the life growing inside me. I was overwhelmed with emotion!

  • What scent or sound immediately takes you back to childhood?
    ~~ school bells, cooked noodle

  • What meaningful advice did you receive from an adult?
    ~~ Love your siblings and respect yourself.

  • Think about someone who influenced your life profoundly.
    ~~ Actually, no one...Hehehe.

  • Think about your proudest moment. What made you proud?
    ~~ My proudest moment would be when I gave birth to my baby boy, Miguel! :)

    Do it if you like this, too. *winks*
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