Ruby Tuesday - Red Souvenirs & Chimes

Dear Me,

I was browsing some photo blogs and decided to participate in this new photo meme/carnival.

Although I am not a RED color lover, I am joining Ruby Tuesday.

The rules:
On Tuesdays (or Wednesdays, or Thursdays), you can post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED.

Your photo can contain lots or a little of RED.

A new Ruby Tuesday will be posted every Tuesday.

When you've posted on your blog, visit the Ruby Tuesday blog, add your link to Mr. Linky and leave a comment telling you've posted.

Here's my first two (2) entries:

RED chimes

RED souvenirs


  1. Those chimes are pretty!

    Great Ruby Tuesday photos.

  2. Ivan girl, beautiful chimes and souvenirs! Perfect for your first Ruby Tuesday!~ Thanks for participating! :)

  3. Patti & the teach! thank you. My pleasure. Hope to join frequently. :)


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