Photojojo: Creepy Self-Portraits

Dear Me,

I haven't read
Coraline because I don't have a copy yet. Ahehehe!

After Coraline and her parents move into an old house, Coraline asks her mother about a mysterious locked door. Her mother unlocks it to reveal that it leads nowhere: "When they turned the house into flats, they simply bricked it up," her mother explains. But something about the door attracts the girl, and when she later unlocks it herself, the bricks have disappeared. Through the door, she travels a dark corridor (which smells "like something very old and very slow") into a world that eerily mimics her own, but with sinister differences. "I'm your other mother," announces a woman who looks like Coraline's mother, except "her eyes were big black buttons." Coraline eventually makes it back to her real home only to find that her parents are missing -- they're trapped in the shadowy other world.

Here are my own scary button-eyed self-portraits:

Want to make your own self-portrait with those baleful button eyes just like mine?

Button Your Eyes

Upload a photo to start, then drag on your choice of shiny, soulless buttons. :)

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