Waiting On Wednesday: The Swan Thieves

Hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine, Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly book meme that shines the limelight over soon-to-be-released books that every book-loving person is enthusiastically waiting for.

My pick:

Book: The Swan Thieves
Author: Elizabeth Kostova
Publication Date: January 12, 2010

Book Synopsis:

Psychiatrist Andrew Marlowe, devoted to his profession and the painting hobby he loves, has a solitary but ordered life. When renowned painter Robert Oliver attacks a canvas in the National Gallery of Art and becomes his patient, Marlowe finds that order destroyed. Desperate to understand the secret that torments the genius, he embarks on a journey that leads him into the lives of the women closest to Oliver and a tragedy at the heart of French Impressionism.

Kostova's masterful new novel travels from American cities to the coast of Normandy, from the late 19th century to the late 20th, from young love to last love. THE SWAN THIEVES is a story of obsession, history's losses, and the power of art to preserve human hope.

Why I'm waiting for this book?

I particularly love Kostova and her debut book,
The Historian. I am looking forward to another long yet rich story full of engrossing details. This time, art being central to the book's theme.


  1. I didn't read the Historian, but I heard so much about it...I need to check this author out. So glad you're participating!!

  2. This sounds like such an interesting read. Good pick!

  3. I've been seeing this book alot lately! Looks great! Your blog is so pretty!

  4. @Mary, I'm hoping for the same thing. :)

    @Jill, I first encountered this book via a book club. Kostova got me hooked.

    I'm glad that I joined WoW, too! :)

    @inthehammockblog, check the book out (I'll do, too...hehehe) and thanks. :)


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