I simply got bored with blogging.
But being bored did not mean forgetting about this hobby altogether. Normally, being bored for me means I need to do something new or create something out of it.
And I came to switching to a new blog.
La Bella Vita, which means in Italian, "the beautiful life."

I chose the title because I believed that no matter how things came to be, I'm still living a life that I want and that I can live it the way I want it in the future. Right now, I am happy and for me, life is beautiful as it can be.
On the course of creating this new blog, I decided to import the contents of my old personal blog and consolidate the entries with my book blog. I have been blogging since 2003 and just simply abandoning everything will be bothersome (literally) in the future.
After migrating the old entries to this blog, I searched for a nice, refreshing template online. It took me hours to find the perfect one.
I did not tweak much with the html (or xml, whichever it was) for incorporating them was much easier these days. Typically, it is the sidebar that needs tweaking. Actually, you just add the so-called "gadgets" or widgets and arrange them in the order that you want them. This time though, I am shooting for less so as not to make the sidebar too crowded.
With the feeling of having a new blog, I also made the decision of creating new accounts in Twitter, Nuffnang, Entrecard and Feedburner.
I still have not updated my entries since last month since I have been busy in the previous months. Since June, we flew to Hongkong and Cebu for a family vacation. In-between, I tend to my duties as a mom to an energetic two-year old boy and with no house help around, chores and running errands never seem to get crossed out in my to-do list. Keeping a tight and orderly ship is an OC habit (Now, I'm admitting that that I belong to the club) of mine. I think most moms are. :)
Next month, we will be flying to Singapore and have the time of our lives again. Although it will be my second time around to visit Singapura, it will be my mom's and toddlers' first time to step foot in that tiny yet prosperous city-state. Also, hubby's coming home in a few days from overseas (he's an OFW) and the possibility of riding in a plane again that will bring us back again in Cebu (he's a true-blue Cebuano) is not so far from happening. He will also hop in the plane to Singapore with us. Woohoo!
There are so many things I want to write about but I'll reserve that in the next few days.
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