Buying Canned Goods

As I was checking the goods that we (I was accompanied by Dex) bought 2 weeks ago, I noticed this one can of corned beef bearing a dent on its side. It was not actually part of my groceries since I do not subscribe to its brand. It was my Mamu who bought it.

Buying the groceries every month has been a cheery pastime for me. It was such a nice feeling buying for the household, though at times, it was such a pain in the pocket especially if your money for other concerns has been compromised. Anyway, what I am more concerned about is that I saw something which should have been taken into consideration.

Here are some tips when buying canned goods:

1. Make sure that the goods you are buying are free from dents and leakages. These plus cracks, rust and bulging lids may possibly posed a threat of food poisoning. As we know, canned goods have undergone vacuum sealing thereby preventing air from getting inside the can. The dents on the side of the can might have pressurized the can, possibly allowing air to get inside which might have created a reaction between the food inside and the coming air. So better make sure you choose canned goods in perfect shape.

2. Being aware of its expiry date of consumption is also a safer way to avoid food poisoning. Two or 3 months before expiration is recommended.

3. Size matters. It is always a consideration for us to buy bigger sizes rathen than purchasing the smaller ones since they cost cheaper. Take into account that storing left-overs may contaminate food. Buy sizes that can be consumed once opened.

4. Remove left-overs from the can. Make sure you do this (transferring the left-over from the can to another container) before refrigerating them. Enough airspace should be considered to allow quick chilling.

These are just some of the things that I have learned when purchasing canned goods. You may need to consider your buying options in the future.

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