Another Forecast For This Year

Dear Me,

So, I got this from my college classmate, Vivian. I was born in the Year of the Horse and predicted to be lucky this year. Ahem! Ano ba talaga, kuya? =)

. Possible new addition to the family. ---> (sino kaya yun?)
. Your hard work will be recognized by your company with promotion and raise in salary. ---> (talaga lang ha? sa new company ko kaya itech? *thinks*)
. Money is not a problem for you. ---> (wow! magpapakasal na koooh! hahaha. *joke*)
. It is a good time to expand your career ---> (expand? how?)
. and there is also improvement in your social status. ---> (social? eh civil kaya? hehehe)

I wish it will come true. Para mas masaya, da vah? =)

1996 1984 1972 1960 1948 1936 1924 1912
This is a very challenging year for the Rats in both business and career. There is a possibility of being involved in accidents and natural disasters, so try to be extra careful. There also will be lots of unexpected expenses, which will throw off your finances to some degree. Take extra precautions in making any investments, and be cautious at work. Possible death news in the immediate family.

1997 1985 1973 1961 1949 1937 1925 1913
This year Female Oxen have better luck than Male Oxen. Control your temper so that you will not get involved in allegations and confrontations with family members. Spend more time in caring for your physical health. For Male Oxen, beware of the possibility of an extra-marital affair. Be cautious of love affairs both at home and while traveling by yourself. For the single Ox, romance is in the air. You will have a chance to find a loved one or to get married.

1998 1986 1974 1962 1950 1938 1926 1914
This year the Tiger is in Three Harmonies with Year of the Dog. Money is in reach and you will be surrounded with lots of good news. All Tigers must thoroughly review contracts or any signed documents to prevent possible legal problems. There will be lots of traveling related to business this year. For people whom are unemployed, get ready to be back in the job market.

1999 1997 1975 1963 1951 1939 1927 1915
Based on the zodiac signs, Rabbit has the best relationship with Dog. You are walking on a wide and smooth path. However, the more wealth that Rabbits accumulate, the more their health may suffer, so take special care to get good rest and eat healthily. Possible death news in the immediate family. Beware of the possibility of an extra-martial affair. Pay more attention when working with the opposite sex.

2000 1988 1976 1964 1952 1940 1928 1916
Dragon clashes with the Year of the Dog. Health is a major concern for the Dragon this year. Develop and follow a good dietary plan. Emotional balance and a stress-free environment are very important for good health. Anger is like a time bomb inside the body. Meditation and relaxation is extremely important to your physical and emotional health. Take time to review your financial plans to avoid making bad investments. Delegate time for charity work. It will accumulate good karma for your descendents.

2001 1989 1977 1965 1953 1941 1929 1917
Romance is in the air. Be sure to catch it while you can. Whatever you do, stay within the guidelines of the law. Your career will keep you very busy but you should allocate time for rest and recreation. Lots of business trips but you still should put your health as the number one priority. Always remember to share your happiness and fortune with others.

2002 1990 1978 1966 1954 1942 1930 1918 1906
The Horse is in Three Harmonies with Year of the Dog. Possible new addition to the family. Your hard work will be recognized by your company with promotion and raise in salary. Money is not a problem for you. It is a good time to expand your career, and there is also improvement in your social status. Do more good deeds for others.

2003 1991 1979 1967 1955 1943 1931 1919 1907
Even though there are lots of lucky stars shining upon you, you need to pay attention to cultivating more good karma to levitate some of the cycles. Be careful about your verbal communication, it may cause arguments or legal consequences. Definitely don't do any major remodeling at home, it can easily cause accidents. Delegate some time for charity work. It will accumulate good karma for you.

2004 1992 1980 1968 1956 1944 1932 1920 1908
There will be lots of traveling related to business this year, and also relocation that will make you very busy. It is also a good time to start a new business or change to a new career or possible promotion. You will also be invited to attend lots of social events, be selective so that you won't feel worn out. Overworking and stress may cause illness, so take special care of your health and get plenty of rest.

2005 1993 1981 1969 1957 1945 1933 1921 1909
Rooster has the worst relationship with the Dog year. There is a tendency for someone to try to 'stab you in the back'. Health is also another major problem for the Rooster this year. Watch out for the sanitation of food and also develop and follow a good dietary plan. Watch out for extra-martial affairs. And for single Rooster, there is a chance for romance but be very selective.

2006 1994 1982 1970 1958 1946 1934 1922 1910
Since this is also the Dog year, you should do the "Golden Cicada Sheds It's Shell" method to counteract any bad events that may possibly occur this year. Be mindful in both driving and traveling to avoid accidents, especially while traveling by car or at night. Pay attention to your belongings and surrounding environment to avoid possible robbery. Avoid doing major remodeling at home. Thorough planning will help you avoid unexpected situations.

1995 1983 1971 1959 1947 1935 1923 1911
Romance is in the air for the Pig, especially the male pig. There will be lots of good and happy events in store for you and you will also be invited to attend lots of social events. Pay attention to your belongings and surrounding environment to avoid possible robbery. Don't do any major remodeling at home. Financially, you will be very well off. It will be of benefit to you to make a donation to charity.


  1. I was born in the year of our Lord and Messiah Jesus Christ.

    Happy New Year!

  2. orikinla, =)
    I just don't know what to say...


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