New Year, New Look

Dear Me,

Finally! I found

It took me one boring night to come up with the idea of changing my blog's template.

It took me two weeks to search, scour, test every likeable skin there is.

It took me two sleepless nights to transfer the contents from the old to the new one.

It gave me my second day of heavy headache and the desire to catch even a wink of a sleep.

Yeah. Big deal. It wasn't supposed to be but I couldn't help myself. When I really desire something to be done, it wouldn't take anyone to force me to; I would gladly and enthusiastically pursue the case. Yeah, big deal. Huh.

Through my surf search, I did find quite a lot of good ones but I guess they weren’t good enough for me. They lacked some of the things I needed in a blog or they did not complement well the modifications I made based on the original template or they weren't me at all.

So, I finally have THE ONE.

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