
Dear Me,

When was it? Hmm. *checking out her last entry in this blog. Oh, that was last October. Now, it's December already. Whew.

I've been pretty busy. I'm a mom and wife and for me, family takes precedence over everything else.

I've even declined social invitations so I can prioritize my little boy. I told myself not to attend any events this year. I had a scare the last time I was on my way to an event in Makati. I brought my little boy with me so he could stay with his father in his office. I left right after I dropped him off. But I got a call later from hubby telling me that
Miguel was ill. He was vomiting and having diarrhea. I decided not to attend the evening event that day and instead go home & make my little feel a little better. It was weeks before he truly got well.

There are also other things to consider like my sister tying the knot (super) early next year and the great probability that my beloved hubby flying to a foreign land to seek greener pastures.

Also, I was in great mourning when my ...ultra-reliable pda (Ericcson P1i) was stolen in my bag while I was shopping in a bookstore. Hmp. So ironic. A bookstore is a sanctuary for me and being "assaulted" (in a way) in there somehow changed my perception. But of course, it's temporary only. Hehehe. :p

Aside from other family affairs, I was not really offline. I am always online.

I am always in
Plurk and Facebook and top of that, I am currently engaged with my two blogs. One is a book blog called Bookworm Adventures and the other is a...err...*I don't really think it can be called events blog*...but it can be, too. Whatever. Anyway, Everything About & Around Town is mainly about the events happening in Manila. Most of the events that I post there are of great interest to me. Somehow it serves as a reminder or notification. :)

For the past two days, I have been more focused in my book blog. I redesigned its look by looking for a more homey (for me) template. The one that I used before was pretty boring and everytime I log in, I feel like dozing off. Hehehe.

From here on, all book-related stuff will be posted there. :)

I will be holding giveaways here and in my new book blog before the holidays. Stay tuned! :)

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