Suddenly, I find myself browsing through some old photos in my archive. And when I say old, the digital images goes way back year 2000. It would have been fun to see the ones before that year. Unfortunately, I still have to hunt from wherever those photos from long ago and have them scanned.
(moi at the left corner)
looking so awkward & scrawny
beating a deadline
lounging at somebody's work station
(moi at the far right corner)
with the CEO & the rest of the office angels
casually busy
(moi wearing a maroon top)
with office buddy Jill at a company exhibition
(moi holding a birthday cake)
celebrating my birthday
(moi in pink, standing second from the left side)
with my office buddies during my farewell party
preggy & enjoying this delightful craving at Burger King
(moi carrying my little buddy)
shopping with the sister
attending a clear black night party with hubby & little buddy
(moi in the middle)
lunching out with office buddies
whiling time with my little buddy during a blogger event
with little buddy during his very first "semi-kalbo" haircut
@ the hotel in Cebu with little buddy
with my mom, en route to Hongkong
I love Egyptian-related books!
@ the Universal Studios Singapore
with my Egyptian boyfriend
@ the Universal Studios Singapore
I will be posting more photos during our recent family travels. :)
you have a beautiful family